



If you want to feel supported and positively inspired to really dive into getting ‘healthy’ then this is the coach and program for you. From healthy habits, to meal-planning, routines, positivity, mindset, workouts, and so much more, Maddy helped me realize an improved version of myself: someone who is now kinder to herself, who prioritizes her health (and her family’s), and who genuinely has hope for a future where she is realizing all her goals.

I feel more capable, more balanced, and more grateful. One of my favorite journaling activities has been the gratitude list. I have also benefited from the mantra, ‘What if it all works out?’ This simple question has helped me redefine the intrusive ‘What if?’ that plagued my tendencies to catastrophize. I am down some pounds, and I really realized the harmful impact of sugar on my energy and health.

When I started this program, I knew I wanted a cleaner and healthier lifestyle, not really knowing the major food groups and how to balance my diet. This program has taught me how to do all this. Balancing my meals, what to eat more of, what not to eat, encouraged me to exercise, offered suggestions and motivated me. I have learned so much from this program and I am so very thankful.

I kept finding myself in an unbeatable cycle of unhealthy eating, then restrictive dieting, then back to unhealthy eating. I’d do daily HIIT workouts, but continue to gain weight. I was facing cortisol spikes and hormonal imbalances confirmed by my doctor.

Working with Maddy changed everything! We met weekly and planned meals, workouts, and meditation moments personalized to my lifestyle. We took things slowly - taking the time to talk about what felt difficult or overwhelming. I learned to be kinder to my body, and to listen to what it needed - I don’t think I realized how stress could have such a big impact on my physical wellbeing.

Since starting this program, I’ve lost weight and feel better overall! But more importantly, I’m no longer too overwhelmed to live a healthy lifestyle - I know how to break it down into easy steps, and to consistently prioritize it. This program was life changing, and I’ll always be so thankful that I chose to invest in myself.

Over the course of three months, Maddy was able to completely change the way I view my health. Prior to my cancer diagnosis, I was never too concerned about my health, mostly because I didn’t feel like I needed to be. When I found out that I had cancer at 23, I felt as though I lost all control over my health. Maddy proved to me that there are certain aspects of our health we can have control over outside of a cancer diagnosis. From the weekly food logs, to the 2022 vision board and everything in between, Maddy helped me visualize what health means to me. It means cutting out processed sugars where I can. It means prioritizing nutrient-dense foods. It means finding my creative outlet. It means moving my body when I am physically able to. It means finding gratitude when life has handed me more lemons than I can count! Thank you, Maddy, for teaching me that there is so much more to health than weight. I will be forever grateful!


I reached out to Maddy at a time where I was run down from work, tired all the time, and in a cycle of eating well for a week, missing a couple days, then giving up for weeks. I was looking for help with accountability and consistency and got so much more than that.
In my time working with Maddy, I learned how to better listen to my body. I was able to make connections of how what I ate in a day directly impacted how I felt. I learned to be kind to myself when I didn’t eat “perfect” for a couple days or missed a workout. There is so much more that I could say, but overall she is the best and I am so grateful for what I gained!!

5 years after treatment I was stuck. I was lost. I was upset. I was alone in this emotional rollercoaster.

Doctors cure you from the disease, but they do not prepare you for the wave of emotions and the loss of your confidence.

And then one day I found Maddy on Instagram. And my life changed. She made me feel that what I was feeling was normal. She helped me go through the stages of grief. She helped me to be kind to my new body. She listened. She guided me towards a healthy life, physical and emotional healthy life. Taught me to eat healthy, taught me to move my body to get rid of the pain, and most importantly, gave me a safe place to talk about my feelings.

I now know how to take care of my body, how to make good decisions when it comes to my nutrition and workouts.


There simply aren’t enough positive adjectives to describe Maddy. She’s just the right combination of understanding and insistent. She’s always available for questions and concerns, and she’s super resourceful when in need of processing situations. Her positive attitude and approach to life makes you strive to do better and to be better daily. She took me from a diet coke slurping, fast food gulping, sedentary workaholic to a water downing, yoga zenning, weekly meal prepping woman with far more balance in my life than ever before. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate to express my gratitude, Maddy, but thank you.


I have been diagnosed with both Malt Lymphoma and Breast Cancer during the last six months of 2019.  I completed treatment for both cancers (chemo for lymphoma and surgery, chemo, and radiation for breast cancer) by the end of June 2020.  I am fortunate to have wonderful integrative oncology teams and I fully participated in in their programs.  I was already introduced to improving my health through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes.  I had begun to move to a more plant base diet and increased my cardio and strength throughout my treatments. However, for me it just was not enough! I felt I was struggling or lacked confidence around nutrition. I needed someone to “hold my hand”. At this point, now 2021, I needed a bit of a push!  Of course, I picked the most difficult three months to work on my nutrition, during the holidays in upper western NYS.

Maddy was awesome to speak with.  She was encouraging me to increase my protein intake and expand my breakfast options weekly.  I found myself frequently standing at the open frig wondering what I feel like eating for lunch. I discovered that I am a visually motivated foodie, so prepping meals and snacks and planning only increases my success and takes the feelings out of the equation.  This was a huge help to my success! Maddy provided me with a meal plan that I could follow, new recipes to try, as well as new spices and flavors.  She even provided me with some arm strengthening exercises. Her weekly calls and review of my nutritional log helped me be more accountable and invested in my nutritional goals.  I learned to be comfortable with my decisions; be it nutrition, exercise, medicine, or supplements. I am now more confident about my nutrition!


When I finished treatment for non-hodgkins lymphoma, I was back to living on my own in the middle of the pandemic and I felt extremely lost. I had never cooked or focused much on my physical health so I knew I needed help getting into a routine that prioritized my health but was flexible enough to allow me to go at my own pace. Working with Maddy exceeded my expectations for what to expect from a health coach. At the start of my program, Maddy helped me to set short and mid term goals that were realistic and tied back to my long term health goals. Not surprising, I struggled with my mental health in readjusting to life after cancer and Maddy was always there to listen and support me with grace and compassion. After 5 months of working with Maddy, I have improved my relationship with food and have a stronger mind-body connection. I make balanced choices that prioritize my health while focusing on intuitive eating and listening to what my body needs. I feel much more comfortable cooking, both with and without recipes. Working with Maddy has helped me build a foundation that enables me to make healthy choices and I am so grateful for my experience in the program. 


I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer in October 2019. I had surgery to remove the tumor followed by 12 rounds of chemo. After finishing chemo in May 2020, I felt lost! I tried to figure out my new normal as a cancer survivor (in the middle of a pandemic too!) I knew I should be eating healthy and exercising but I also wanted to enjoy life since I just beat cancer. Well the enjoying life part won and I started gaining more weight when I needed to lose weight. In late 2020, I randomly came across "cancer survivor nutrition coach" page on Instagram. I took it as a sign. My first phone call with Maddy was exactly what I needed. Talking to another cancer survivor who understood what it's like after treatment was a relief and didn't make me feel so alone. I signed up for a 3 month plan with her first and ended up doing a total of 6 months! I looked forward to our weekly phone calls. She has been a game changer in my life. She taught me foods to focus on as a cancer survivor, how to incorporate more movement each week, and ways to help with stress/anxiety, especially around my scan appts. I have always struggled with my weight and now I feel like I have finally learned how to nourish my body. I haven't counted ONE calorie or deprived myself of any foods and lost almost 20 pounds in 6 months! I'm excited to continue this health journey on my own now with everything I have learned from Maddy. I will miss our weekly chats but I know I have a friend for life now that helped me find myself again after cancer. I will be 43 soon, 20 months cancer free, and feeling the best I have in a long time. Thanks Maddy! 


I am so grateful for Maddy and this program! Before this program I didn't have a clue about what to eat or planning meals, let alone choosing the best products with no added sugar. The program allowed me to take the guesswork out of meal planning with room for flexibility and switching around meals. I am more than confident that now I can use her guidance to plan additional meals while I continue to meet my goals. I'm more conscious of better decision making with food and water intake. Listening to my body to see what I need versus what I think it needs has left me feeling more energized, less bloated, and all around lighter.


Maddy was able to help me understand healthy eating is not about limitations/ calorie restrictions, It’s about balanced, healthy meals, getting rest and most importantly listening to my body. None of the suggestions or strategies she put forward were unsurmountable. I came to the program with very basic understanding of what it was to eat healthy and honestly was sort of dreading a lifestyle change that may not be possible for the long term, but All the healthy changes I made were easy to incorporate and sustainable not just for a crash diet but for the long haul. I really learned to figure out what my hunger trigger were and also figure out what foods gave me the most energy/ didn’t cause flare ups. My Pain associated with inflammation greatly diminished over the 12 weeks we worked together and honestly I never felt like i was on a “diet” I felt like I was finding out what worked best for me :)

I dropped 18 lbs during the program. I started at 180 and was able to get down to 162 lbs, but most significantly I began to notice a difference in the nerve pain that I had been experiencing for the past year. I had spinal surgery in 2019, which was VERY successful, but left me with lingering pain that would flare up, causing Pain brain, making it hard to fall asleep, general worry for what my body would be in the future. By examining my diet, and really focusing on anti inflammatory food I was able to not only manage the pain more effectively, I was also able to get better rest, and have more energy. Madison introduced journaling and that GREATLY helped my mental health, it made me take a step back and see a bigger picture of my health and the possibilities of a future not ruled by fear and doubt, but one I was in control of.

Maddy’s passion and positive attitude toward whole nutritious healthy eating spread to my family. She was a joy to work with and she knew how to help us toward meeting our goals in a serious but friendly way. You can tell she really wanted us to succeed and thought of creative ways to do so. She has helped us look out for sugar that can sneak in sauces, meal prep yummy foods for the week, and find ways to stay active and motivated even during holidays. I definitely recommend Maddy as a health/nutrition coach to anyone looking to get healthy and she will keep you accountable. A year later and we still talk about things she taught us like try to have a green with every meal, or how to get more water in during the day. Thanks Maddy!!



I didn't know what to expect or exactly what I was looking for prior to working with Maddy. I just knew I couldn't keep living the way I was.  I had no energy, felt bloated all the time and was not taking care of my body properly while consistently being on the road for work.  Over the course of several months Maddy helped me improve my confidence and regain control of my health journey.  We implemented healthy habits that have STUCK and are a natural part of my daily routine now. Maddy was an AMAZING coach and I'm so thankful for her guidance and her cheerful demeanor throughout the process.  

I started the program at around 216 pounds or so, and now 1 year later I have kept the weight off after completing the program and I have lost even more weight! I reached as low as 192 pounds which has had a major impact. The program was helpful because It helped to stay accountable about what I eat and my exercise efforts. The meal ideas Maddy provided were great and helped drive results and allowed me to really enjoy the food I was eating versus forcing myself to eat the kind of healthy foods I don’t prefer.
