5 Ways to Prep for Chemo Treatments

It’s that time again…your chemo treatment is coming up. That night before chemo was always emotionally and physically taxing for me. I knew that the next day I was going to start feeling horrible again and would be laying in bed for at least the three days following. Tons of emotions would come rushing back into my brain - anger, anxiety, thoughts of “why am I going through this at 24 years old,” and endless others. But I also knew that after those few days I would start feeling a little bit better and prepping beforehand helped to get me through. These are my five tips to help you be prepared:

  1. Pack a bag before chemo. No matter how long your treatment is that day, it’s good to know you have some things to comfort you during it even if you don’t actually use any of it. Some of my go-tos":

    • snacks that you can easily take down (for some reason mine were muffins, carbs are my friend)

    • ginger suckers because when your mouth is dry from nausea these help

    • CBD to help relax you

    • adult coloring books and colored pencils

    • downloaded shows from Netflix on your phone (I don’t know about you, but my doctor’s office didn’t have the best wifi)

    • sweatshirt/blanket/beanie to stay comfy and warm

    • water bottle - drinks tons of water!! I know the nurses will tell you this constantly, but the more you pee out those drugs, the better you’ll feel.

  2. Meditate the night before to try and get in a positive mindset. There are tons of cancer focused meditations that can be really helpful. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes. I know this can seem like an extra task, but it really will make you feel a little more positive about the next day.

  3. Workout the day before, whether it’s a walk or a hot yoga class. Prep your body and mind by sweating out any toxins beforehand.

  4. Invite your friends and family! I know you may feel like everything these days with your loved ones is surrounded by your cancer diagnosis, but I guarantee more often than not people want to come support you. Some may surprise you if you let them know when your cancer treatments are. It always makes it more fun and sometimes they bring you things - might as well milk your cancer card :)

  5. Wear your most comfortable outfit! Personally, I didn’t change for at least two days after treatments because I didn’t want to get out of bed so might as well be as comfortable as possible.

You got this!! Remember it’s only temporary.

Madison Pollack