5 Tips to Actually Put you to Sleep

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Ahh sleep…one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, but also one of the most difficult. I definitely don’t always get enough sleep and the majority of our society doesn’t either. According to the CDC over 35% of adult Americans reported having short sleep (7 hours or less) and those adults were more likely to report having chronic conditions, such as depression, arthritis, COPD, cancer, etc. This isn’t to scare you, but just to prove how important sleep really is!

We have so much going on during the day that it’s hard to switch our brains off at night. Whether you’re anxious about the work you need to get done the next day or you’re overthinking about something from the current day, these five tips should help!

  1. Listening to a guided mediation or a bedtime story at night as you fall asleep. There are tons of free options and listening to someone else’s voice allows you to just focus on that rather than your thoughts running wild. I love the bedtime stories and yoga nidra practices that the app Insight Timer has. I also have been really enjoying the podcast Tracks to Relax. Put one of those on and get to relaxin!

  2. Ideally don’t use your phone for 30-60 mins before bedtime, but I know that’s super difficult to do, we’re all guilty of scrolling before bed. As a first step, at least put your night shift on on your phone. I don’t know if it’s just in my head or if this scientifically actually works, but I swear I get better sleep when I do it!

  3. If you’re having a lot of anxiety or just really can’t get to sleep, I love Sunday Scaries Vegan CBD Gummies! I just take one when I’m feeling extra anxious and they make me feel relaxed and help me sleep through the night. *Consult with your doctor if concerned at all!

  4. Read a book!! Like an actual book, not on your Kindle or iPad. Not only does this relax the mind and force it to focus on something other than everything you need to get done the next day, but it also makes you stay off your phone before bed! If you need any book recs, let me know!

  5. With Covid and everyone working from home, your bedroom has probably also become your office. When you’re going to bed make sure you don’t have anything related to work on or near your bed, including your laptop, notebook, files, etc. You have to let your brain know that now it is time to relax and go to sleep and not be surrounded by work.

Try out these tips and let me know if your sleep has improved. For more ideas or tips on how to improve your overall health, contact me to book a discovery call!

Madison Pollack