What is a health coach and how can I support you?

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As an integrative health coach, my main goal is to guide you in being your healthiest self through an individualized, personal approach to achieving your specific health goals.

But what does this mean? Am I a nutritionist? Dietician?

Health coaches are neither of those because we serve a very different role in your journey to health. Nutritionists and Dietitians play a big part in helping their patients understand what to eat, what to avoid, perform certain tests and prescribe medicine. But have you ever gotten a list of foods to avoid and/or include in your diet and didn’t follow through after a week or two? That’s where I come in!

On average, it takes at least 2.5 months to break a habit, but even longer than that if you’ve been doing the habit, such as eating certain foods, not exercising, or not cooking, for your whole life. There are no shortcuts to getting “healthy”, whether that means changing the way you eat to include more nutrient dense foods or losing weight. Everyone’s bodies are different, we all have individual sensitivities, likes and dislikes, and our own story we tell ourselves of why we can’t do it.

As your health coach, I work with you on a weekly basis to set actionable, realistic goals, teach you not only what to eat, but HOW to eat it, and guide you in discovering what “healthy” actually means to you.

I also go beyond the food you eat because all habits stem from somewhere. We’ll explore other areas of your life that impact your health in addition to food because a big part of breaking a habit for good is figuring out why they’re there in the first place and getting to the root cause of the problem rather than just fixing the problem at hand. We’ll dive deeper together into career, relationships, exercise, spirituality, and other factors of life that contribute to your overall health.

“While the average visit to the doctor only lasts eight minutes, the average health coaching session is 50 minutes once a week – an in-depth conversation between Health Coaches and their clients. It’s evident that Health Coaches are filling a vital gap between patients and doctors.” - https://www.integrativenutrition.com/blog/2018/10/what-does-a-health-coach-do

I am here to support you in making lasting changes so you can feel your absolute best self for the rest of your life!

Contact me today for a free 30 min consultation to discuss your health goals and what types of steps we could take together!

Madison Pollack